
Don’t worry! If you happen to sprain your tongue practicing the Swedish language – Sweden’s best University hospital is within your reach.

Örebro University Hospital has been awarded first prize for two years in a row in the annual ranking of university hospitals made by Dagens Medicin – Sweden’s leading magazine for healthcare professionals. They offer a wide range of accessible basic health care and excels in advanced highly specialized medical services such as trauma medicine, vascular surgery and heart surgery.

Combined with the forces of the emergency hospitals in Karlskoga and Lindesberg and a wide range of health centers we’re safe to say this region offers one of Sweden’s best healthcare for our inhabitants.

Medical research has a high priority within the Örebro County Region. The research conducted at the University Hospital in Örebro together with Örebro University is mostly focused on patient-centered clinical research. This means that the research results quickly benefit the patients.

Meet Alex Szólics

Born in Ukraine – then part of the Soviet Union – and raised in Hungary, Alex Szólics is now based in Örebro, Sweden, and has been described by his colleagues as “a rock star within his field”. With his help Örebro University Hospital has opened a new Comprehensive Stroke Centre; since its inception in 2021, he has been saving stroke patients’ lives every day.

As a neurointerventionist, Alex treats various vascular diseases. Graduating from the University of Szeged in 2006, he became specialist in his field in 2011 and completed a PhD at his alma mater in 2012. For the next eight years he remained in Hungary, treating patients at University Hospital Debrecen and developing neurointerventional care at the University of Pécs for a region with a population of more than 1.3 million. He also trained neurosurgeons and cardiologists in less invasive ways of treating stroke patients.

In August 2019 he was offered a job as a neurointerventionist in the Department of Radiology at Örebro University Hospital (Universitetssjukhuset Örebro, USÖ). He said yes, packed his bags and moved to Sweden with his beloved wife and two children (soon to be three at the time of writing).

So why did Alex move to a completely different country 1,991 kilometres away from his then home? As he jokingly points out, it wasn’t for the Swedish climate – but rather for a healthier work-life balance and because of the entrepreneurial spirit he saw in Swedes.

“Sweden is truly a fantastic country for families. I get more time with my children here, and as a family we have more opportunities and freedom,” says Alex.

Social life is a common concern when moving to a new home. Fortunately, this was not a problem for Alex and his family.

“Honestly, the Swedes surprised us! They’re way more social, curious and easygoing than we first thought. We have a busier social life here than we had in Hungary. You can pretty much befriend anyone, even your neighbours.”

Moving to Örebro was a smart move for Alex – and it was a smart move by USÖ to hire him. With Alex’s substantial experience USÖ was finally able to open its own Comprehensive Stroke Centre, and together they have implemented methods that massively reduce the risks of permanent damage caused by stroke.

Alex thrives on saving lives together with his co-workers: “It’s amazing working here – helping people survive and recover. Each day is different and I’m learning new things all the time. Örebro University Hospital is gaining momentum, and my colleagues are spirited and extremely passionate about their job. Besides treating acute cases, which we do 90% of the time, we’re working hard to develop neurointerventional treatments at USÖ together.”

Outside of his daily job saving lives, Alex enjoys Örebro’s beautiful natural surroundings every day. He’s into cycling, hiking and running in nature reserves and likes to visit and occasionally take a dip in the beautiful lakes outside the city.

“Ånnaboda and Garphyttan are my two favourite spots. I enjoy the calmness there. And the view, especially the many islands and lakes – it wasn’t a common sight in Hungary,” he says.

Alongside treasuring forests, lakes and lush greenery, Alex also values the pulse of city life.

“We often dine at different restaurants with friends here. The energy in town is great! Besides, nature is like five minutes away, so you really get the best of both worlds – and no traffic jams either.”

When asked if he misses anything, he instantly answers with a laugh: “Warm weather! And Mediterranean cuisine! Luckily, we have Örebro airport nearby, so we’re closer to the world than you’d think.”

He continues: “Apart from that, not much. This is where my family and I belong. I personally never felt at home in Hungary. But in Örebro, I do. And more importantly, my family does too.”

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