American football, ice hockey or roller derby?

There are people who say that sport is important – that it’s important to get moving and not just sit at home on the sofa scoffing crisps. Then there are people who say that sport is IMPORTANT! Or in other words that the most important thing in life is to be able to sit at home on the sofa watching an elite match eating crisps.

Whether you are eager to belong to the elite or have a team to eat crisps for, then this is the right place for you. Örebro is home to elite teams in almost every sport. How about American football, ice hockey, dancing, baseball or roller derby to name but a few? On top of that we have the Gelleråsen Arena motorsport race track in Karlskoga, and Örebro is now Sweden’s padel tennis mecca!

In Örebro there are more than 37 associations with elite activities in 29 different sports. That says a great deal about us. Partly that we are good at practising and enjoying sport, of course, but also that we are very good at organising ourselves over time and that we set ourselves ambitious goals that we also achieve.

Talking of organising sport, is an Örebro company. It has expanded since it started in 2004 and today is by far Sweden’s biggest provider of administration and communication facilities for clubs and teams in Swedish sport.

In Degerfors everyone lives for football, in Karlskoga for ice hockey and in Lindesberg for volleyball and handball. So wherever you choose to live, you are never far from elite sport or the usual kind of sport that most of us can manage to play.

Fun fact!

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